Explore our Safety Toolkits

Essential resources to help keep our whānau and tamariki safe.

Whare Kahikā - Home Safety App

Whare Kahikā is an app giving whānau knowledge to create a safe physical home environment for tamariki. Download today.

Birth to 11 months

Safety tips for the littlest including information on driveway runovers, drowning, falls, product safety and choking.

1 - 2 years

Safety tips for toddlers including information on button batteries, burns and scalds, bites, falls, car safety, safe sleep, drowning and more...

3 - 4 years

Safety tips for the preschool child including biking, bites and stings, burns and scalds, falls, child pedestrian injuries and many more...

5 - 9 years

Safety tips for the older child including information on bikes, skateboards and scooters, car safety, poisoning, drowning, injuries from objects/person and more...

10 - 14 years

Safety tips for your pre-teen including information on biking, skateboarding and scootering, car safety, drowning, falls and more...

Community Events

Virtual and face-to-face opportunities to connect and fill your kete of child safety and injury prevention knowledge

Latest Whānau stories

Safekids Aotearoa are privileged to share stories of amazing whānau from all over Aotearoa. Watch them all here.